Friday, September 16, 2016

Another summer down

We are two weeks into "back to school", and I've already talked to one vice principal, emailed back and forth with six teachers, and had a voicemail from yet another one. Oh, and the transportation department called because my 11 year old son wanted to go to the Boys and Girls Club after school, and thought maybe the bus driver could call me to ask if it was okay. Uh, no. You need to figure that out the night before. At least he wasn't getting kicked off already. That's a good sign. So far, we're off to a slow start.

Brothers enjoying the sunset.
As of this date, we have all 12 back at home: three in college (it's expensive to live on your own, right?), four in high school, and five in middle school. They moved 6th grade to the middle school this year, which was like an extra bonus--the youngest two get on the bus 45 minutes earlier than last year. Nice. Our driveway looks like a used car lot. Not kidding.

We are pretty much using every square inch of space we have. And I have to say, it is working. Pinterest is great at giving you ideas about how to smash beds into a bedroom in a fashionable and space saving way. The older girls were skeptical, but it actually looks good. And so much extra space. Kidding this time.

In regards to space, I've been fantasizing lately (the past three years) of living in a studio apartment. I have learned that I really don't require too much space. Just me, my husband, my chihuahua. Maybe another chihuahua. Walking distance to work. No room really for anyone to come "stay" with us. Sorry, call your brothers or sisters. With the kids getting so much older, it's easy to start thinking this way. Then my husband says something like, "The youngest are only 11." Oh.

So, we're off to a good start this school year. I'm going to think positively and expect it will keep going this well. And look at how to decorate studio apartments on Pinterest.